Chaperones & Band Aids

Our Student Care Team
Chaperones and Band Aids are on the front-line of helping promote and protect our students’ health and wellness. We support our Concert Bands, Marching Band and Winter Guard programs. We are present at extended rehearsals, band camps, competitions, football games and any trips or travel where our students perform off-site.
Learn more about being a Chaperone and Band Aid here:
If you would like to join our team, please read on:
Parents interested in volunteering should complete the form at the link below. Both Returning Chaperones & Band Aids as well as new volunteers should complete the form below.
Required annual Chaperone & Band Aid Training:
- Please monitor weekly Band Notes during the months of April, May & June for upcoming training sessions typically held at Mason High School Harvard Room.
CPR Training
Band Aids need to be current in CPR certification. While CPR training is not required to serve as a Chaperone, we encourage all Chaperones to become CPR certified also.
- If you are unable to attend in person training, you can do it online at the following website.
Background Checks
All Chaperones and Band Aids require valid background checks. First you will need to determine which specific background check to request, based upon what capacity you plan to serve.
- Level II (i.e. “Instant Check”) are only good for local events and rehearsals in the Mason area (i.e. NOT for any band travel). Valid for 5 years.
- Level III (i.e.“FBI/BCI Check”) are required for all Band Aids, as well as for Chaperones who plan to serve on any band travels or overnight trips. Valid for 5 years.
We recommend completing your background check at least two weeks prior to either the first Student Care volunteer opportunity or before the existing background check expiration date.
Click here to begin the MCS Background Check process
MCS Background Check contact:
Sarah Jo Tewksbury | HR Administrative Assistant
Mason Central Office
211 North East St. | Mason, OH 45040
p. 513-398-0474, ext. 20143
If you have any questions, please contact:
- Melissa Woodward - VP of Student Experience - Tiffany Williams - VP of Travel - Mike McCallister - Medical Secretary - Laura Minnear - Registration SPOC - Tyler Buckner - Head Chaperone