Symphonic Band

Symphonic Band
Symphonic Band is one of four upper level bands in the Mason High School Band program designed to help students refine their instrument playing skills.
This ensemble performs quality music literature of a higher difficulty level that inspires our performers to become better musicians.
Symphonic Band performs four concerts a year and often travels with Wind Symphony to selected travel performances when possible. The enesemble has also performed at:
- Music for All National Festival
- Cincinnati Regional Concert Band Festival
- OMEA Large Group Festival
Symphonic Band Student Info
As a year-round course, students in grades 9-12 are selected by audition in the spring of the prior school year. Freshmen must participate in Marching Band during their 9th grade year.
All Symphonic Band members are required to take private music lessons and play in at least two basketball pep band performances. Participation in Symphonic Band fulfills the prerequisite to participate in extra-curricular and co-curricular events such as Marching Band, Jazz Band and Winter Percussion.