Wind Symphony

Wind Symphony
Featuring the leading musicians in the Mason High School Band program, the Wind Symphony performs the finest wind literature to develop and refine professional skills.
Our goal is to immerse these talented young adults in a variety of musical styles while presenting a challenging repetoire that pushes the ensemble to the next level.
The Wind Symphony performs four concerts each school year and has proudly performed at:
- The Midwest International Band and Orchestra Clinic
- Carnegie Hall
- The National Concert Band Festival
- Cincinnati Regional Concert Bands Festival
- Ohio Music Education Association State Conventions
- Bowling Green State University
- University of Cincinnati College Conservatory of Music
- Northern Kentucky University
- University of Toronto

Wind Symphony Student Info
The Wind Symphony is an exciting ensemble featuring ambitious music that encourages these young musicians to learn, grow and shine. Students in grades 9-12 are selected by audition in the spring of the prior school year. Freshmen are required to participate in Marching Band during their 9th grade year.
Students in 11th and 12th grades receive honors credit for participation in the class by fulfilling the following requirements:
- Professional concert critique
- 10 hours of musical community service
- Participation in the district Honor Band and Solo and Ensemble events
Additionally, all Wind Symphony students are required to study privately on their instrument and perform at least two times with the basketball pep band.